Donate once or all year long!
Imagine all those little ones getting the best possible start—this is the difference YOU make. Anything helps, no amount is too small OR too large.
SDLEA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that relies heavily on donations from our friends, clients, and local community members.
A donation of $125 - 165 will help subsidize one private chest/breastfeeding consultation for a BIPOC or low-income family.
A donation of $300 will help subsidize one full day of salary for a BIPOC lactation consultant in one of our clinics.
A donation of $1,500 will help sustain our lactation scholarship program for the year!
In addition to your personal donation, consider asking if your place of employment offers matching gifts to charitable organizations.
Help us connect with the charitable giving department in your business or organization, to see if they would be interested in donating a large sum to improve the health and wellbeing of our local families.